The Marsmellow Test/ Delayed Gradification

Haffiz Abdullahi
2 min readDec 2, 2020


There are two paths we can take in any given situation: one is the path of avoiding pain in the moment, and the other is the more difficult path of delaying pleasure for a bigger purpose.

Stay with me, if you cant be focused to the end of the artcile we have serious problem and you will be unhappy with your life results. You will find out why in the following..

Delayed gratification is one of the most effective personal traits of successful people. It involves feeling dissatisfied for an unknown period of time!

The Marshmallow Test 1960s describes this in the following:

“You can eat the marshmallow now, or wait 15 minutes and receive second marshmallow.” That was the instuction hundreds of children around the ages of 4 and 5 were getting. The test was carried out by Walter Mischel an professor at Standford University. The researchers found that the children who were able to wait for the second marshmallow without eating the first one scored higher on standardized tests, had better health, and were less likely to have behavior problems later on in there adult lifes.

Self Questionaire:

Consider the results of this study, and think about yourself and your actions! Are you able to wait for things you really want, even if it involves sacrificing pleasure and satisfaction now? Do you make decisions based on your life purpose or on what feels good now? Do you sometimes give up too soon? Can you think of a time when you accomplished a difficult task? How did it make you feel about yourself? What were the results of waiting?

Being aware of your impulses gives way to higher goal attainment and the formation of new neural pathways through neuroplasticity. A new habit has formed.


Helping someone re-emphasize their future self enables improvement in motivation, delayed gratification abilitie an in behavior. As well as moving someone toward their ideal future self faster.

Sources: Sources:



Haffiz Abdullahi

Hey, you! This is my personal blog with some short articles. I hope you enjoy them! ;)